We have made a secure plugins for WordPress that you liked, is an accountant of visits to your website and you can optionally display a message about cookies (according to the Law).
Fully responsive and configurable.
Test it, available from your WordPress installation or downloaded from WordPress plugin Counter ECL
You can use it as a Widget or using a shortcode.
The shortcode is [counter_ecl]. There are several attributes that change shape.
the attributes: format, background, color, size, align, type, container, float, display3d, separate, animate, duration and topfix.
format = "true" o "false" .Set whether the counter takes numerical format or not.
background = “green”, “blue”, “yellow”, “red”, “white”, “dark” or “default”. Sets the background color.
color = “green”, “blue”, “yellow”, “red”, “white”, “dark” or “default”. Sets the text color o label color.
size = "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" or "p". Sets the text size.
align = "right", "left", "center" or "justify". Sets the text align.
type = "text", "label" or "badge". Sets the type counter.
container = "list", "panel" or "none". Sets the type container.
float = "left", "right" or "none". Sets the align container.
display3d = “true” or “false”. 3D displays the counter.
separate = “true” or “false”. Displays counter with separate numbers.
animate = “none”, “mov”, “hide”, “fade” or “slide”. Sets the animation to new visitors counter.
duration = “250” o “500” or “1000”. Sets the duration of the animation. It can be any number in milliseconds.
topfix = “0” o “10” or “-10”. Sets the height of the counter within its container. This is to adjust some CSS.
[counter_ecl format="true" size="3" type="label"]
[counter_ecl container="list" background="green"]
[counter_ecl container="panel" background="red" float="right"]
[counter_ecl float="right" type="label" color="red" separate="true" display3d="true" animate="mov"]